Tuesday, April 6, 2010

‘Playing with Data’- Advanced Actionscript Workshop

by Kenny/ Sweii

Workshop Title
‘Playing with Data’- Advanced Actionscript Workshop for MM78

Workshop Objectives
This workshop introduces students the theory and practical in dynamic data manipulation; at the same time, equip students with advanced techniques and skills in Actionscipt. Students who successfully complete this workshop will be confident in picking programmatic skill in loading, sending and manipulating data and understand the common misconception of visualization.

Workshop Synopsis
Students in this workshop will be led through a series of theory and practical tutorials. For theory part, students are introduced to the process of research possibilities and method of visualization. For the practical part, students will be given practical exercise to understand the potential & creative manipulation of data, the techniques of how to send, load and manipulate data.

Time for the workshop
This is a 3-day, 12-hour workshop.
Each workshop has 3 sessions (4-hour per session)

Two separated workshops will be conducted to MM078-1 & 2 students. See below for the workshop time arrangement,

Date Workshop Workshop for Batch MM078-1
Workshop for Batch MM078-2

Session 1 9am-1pm 2-6pm
Session 2 9am-1pm 2-6pm
Session 3 9am-1pm 2-6pm

The group name list will be released after your final project presentation.

Workshop Venue
Multimedia Lab 2, Main Block

Mr. Mervin Ng
An interactive designer & developer who currently based in Singapore & Malaysia. Mervin has 5 years multi-disciplinary working experience, his skills range from front-end development, art direction, web technology, motion graphic design as well as project management. Mervin believes in perfect synergy between effective design and technology. Some of him clientele are MINI, DIGI, Electronico and Discovery Channel.


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